Process of claiming the Benefit
Maternity leave:
- First, the insured needs to know about the benefits they will be able to claim which is also available on the website of ESIC.
- After looking at the benefits, insured has to check for what she is eligible to claim. One can visit the Branch Office of ESIC and obtain the form or even guidance or she can download the form online.
- Now, the insured has to report oneself to the doctor [Insured Medical Officer] of ESIC dispensary to which one is covered under. The name of dispensary where the insured has to report is mentioned in the identity card. The certificates asked are required to be obtained from the ESIC dispensary and then submitted to the Branch Office. The doctor will be mentioning about the medical treatment she is undergoing and the same sheet is to be submitted to the concerned HR.
- Once this is done, on the basis of the certificates, the concerned Branch Officer of ESIC will make the payment.
Funeral Expense:
- Claimant walks in
- DA [District Attorney]/LDC [Lower Division Clerks]/UDC [Upper Division Clerk] enters Insurance no. in application
- System displays the IP details and contribution details
- DA/LDC/UDC will upload alternate Death Certificate
- DA/LDC/UDC will create claim
- DA/LDC/UDC will further process the claim
- Claim submitted to Branch Manager
The following documents will be required for claiming the benefit at the time of death at workplace:
- ESIC IP number / TIC card – attested by employer
- Copy of Form 12 – Accident Register signed by the Authorised Signatory • In and Out register for IP (attendance)
- Wage register stating IP’s wages
- The discharge summary from Hospital
- Original hospital bills
- Investigations did copies
- Original Medicine bills
- Details of the shift in which IP is performing a duty
- Wage verification certificate
- Letter from – First information receiver/s (2 persons)
- At the time for accident whether IP was in uniform, give uniform received details. Copy of Uniform Register
- Death Summary from Hospital
- Post Mortem Certificate
- Police Inquest Report
- Death Report issued by the Police
- Death Certificate
- Burial Ground Certificate
- Legal Heir Certificate
- Dependent/s – Passport size photo (2 nos)
- Dependent/s – Bank passbook copy
The following documents are required at the time of claiming the benefit of death due to employment injury: [Accidental Death]
In addition to the above-mentioned documents, the following are required;
- Description – what was the IP’s daily mode of transportation to work? • The distance between accident spot to his house and accident spot to his workplace • Route map
- If the IP was driving or pillion rider of two-wheeler, was he/she wearing a helmet at the time of the accident
- If the IP was driving, copy of driving license
- Driving License copy
- Vehicle’s registration certificate
- Vehicle’s Insurance coverage certificate
Accident Leave:
- The insured first needs to submit the registration of IP online and then obtain the insurance no
- Accident report is to be submitted in the prescribed form to the appropriate Branch Office of ESIC even if the Insurance no. is not still allotted. Declaration form of the injured can be submitted online.
The following documents will be required for claiming the benefit:
- ESIC IP number / TIC card – attested by employer
- Copy of Form 12 – Accident Register signed by the Authorised Signatory • In and Out register for IP (attendance)
- Wage register stating IP’s wages
- The discharge summary from Hospital
- Original hospital bills
- Investigations did copies
- Original Medicine bills
- Details of the shift in which IP is performing a duty
- Wage verification certificate